
Monday, December 17, 2012

Give a Gift....Get a Gift (An Offer You Can't Refuse)

Instead of holding yet another monthly correspondence kit giveaway, I decided to do something different this month.

It's actually not that different, since this offer is good anytime. But I want to take a moment to encourage you to take me up on this offer.

Here's the deal....
I want you to go shopping, but not your normal kind of shopping.

I want you to go shopping in Compassion's Gift Catalog.

For every $10 you spend (donate), I will send you a complimentary correspondence kit. Not only will you be giving a gift of hope to a child or family in dire need, you will also receive a gift that is actually a gift for your sponsored child ~ fun paper to write on, stickers and others goodies to send all year long.

For this offer, I need you to go through this link....Compassion's Gift Catalog.

After you have donated, simply send proof of your donation to me at fiddlejill(at)yahoo(dot)com. Compassion will very likely send you an email confirmation of your donation and you can forward that to me. You can also tell me your mailing address and which correspondence kit you prefer (young girl/boy, teen girl/boy).

I'm going to go out of my way to make these kits extra special for this special offer, so you don't want to miss out.

Now what are you waiting for? Go Shopping!