
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday's This and That

Michelle at Blogging From the Boonies has been hosting a Thursday's This and That link up the past couple weeks. I sometimes do this kind of post on my other blog, Daily Bread, and call it This Day Thursday, but decided to do one here this week.

So here's a glimpse into my life today....

Outside my window ~ It's rainy. Rainy, rainy, rainy.... I live in the Pacific Northwest and this is the beginning of our rainy season. As much as I dislike the grey and drizzle, it makes our area of country lush and green and beautiful.

Thankful for ~ It's November and it looks like it will be a quiet month. We've been busy the past couple months - busy with company, trips, birthdays, dental surgery and more. I am looking forward to spending more time at home and less time out and about. The fact that it's constantly raining now is another incentive to stay home.

Listening to ~ All I hear right now is the rain. And the clicking of my typing.

Thinking about ~ School....we've been very, very relaxed about school and now that the rain has begun, it's time to get a bit more serious. I often joke that we don't do school when the sun it out - we only do school when it's raining! Not entirely true, but we do need to get a bit more serious.

Memorizing ~ I'm working on the Sermon on the Mount and am just finishing up Matthew 5

Reading ~  Everything by Mary DeMuth and Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.

Studying ~ On Guard by William Lane Craig (wanting to get more into apologetics)  AND Nehemiah by Kelly Minter (going through this with other ladies from my church)

One of my Favorite Things ~ Pumpkin coffee! 

Praying ~ I'm praying that my tooth implant heals completely. I had my front tooth extracted two weeks ago today and have to wait 3 months before they can attach a crown. That's right - I'm toothless! I do have a temporary dental partial (also known as a flipper) that I wear, but it's uncomfortable and doesn't look great. I'm getting used to it, though, and am thankful to be on the other side of the procedure. Now I just need it to heal...

Plans for the Weekend ~ My husband and I have a date planned! There is a fancy, shmancy dinner for his work and we're going.

From the Kitchen ~ I want to make pumpkin bread today.

Working on ~ It's Operation Christmas Child shoebox time! I'm heading this up at our church and the girls and I need to do some shopping. I asked the girls last night if they would rather buy general things to donate for the collection or put together a box themselves. They voted for putting together their own boxes. I want this to be meaningful and fun for them, so I think I'll let them shop for their own items to assemble in a box.

Photos from the week ~