
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Global Impact Tour ~ Compassion's CSP in Sri Lanka

I have been posting monthly about the 58: Global Impact Tour and I am very excited about this month's destination and cause....

Here is a video that will help you understand what CSP does...

The goal is to raise $25,000 ~ and there is an anonymous donor who will match that! Can you give $25? 

Can you commit to fasting and praying on Wednesday, November 28th? (or any other day?)

Compassion is one of ten international ministry partners in this initiative. This is the second time they have been featured this year and I'm very excited about it.

The Child Survival Program is a beautiful program that ministers to the littlest children (ages 0-3) and their care givers. If completely successful, it can eliminate the need for the child to enter the second phase of Compassion's ministry - child sponsorship. I think it is so cool that Compassion is taking steps to eliminate the need for child sponsorship.

But more than anything, CSP allows a child the chance to survive and thrive.

Here is another great video featuring Wess Stafford, CEO of Compassion International.