
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Place at the Table ~ book giveaway

Today I have a copy of Chris Seay's book A Place at the Table ~ 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor to give away.

I read this book earlier this year and posted about it HERE.

In this book, Chris Seay suggests that we take 40 days to identify with the poor by limiting our diet and eating a diet similar to one of our sponsored kids.

I did my own version of this during Lent and was really blessed by the experience. Although I failed on many occasions and even changed my own rules several times, it was a great exercise in discipline and sacrifice.

There is great insight in this book and I highly recommend it. After a few chapters of introduction, the book contains daily readings for your 40 day journey.

If you are interested in winning a copy of this book, simply leave a comment. I will announce a winner on Friday, October 19th at noon EST.