Compassion Bloggers has a new site!
The new site has so much information and I urge you to go over and check it out yourself.
If you are interested in becoming a Compassion blogger, there is a place for you to sign up. There are a couple different types of bloggers.
One type is like yours truly - simply write about Compassion and you can call yourself a Compassion blogger. You can sign up to receive monthly assignments in which you will receive an email detailing the current assignment. If you want some examples of past assignments, take a peek HERE.
Another type of blogger is the type all of us small bloggers dream of becoming. You see, twice a year, Shaun Groves puts together a team of bloggers and takes them into the thick of Compassion's ministry. On the new site you can easily access all the posts from the past trips.
I am particularly excited about the upcoming trip to Peru. You see, it was two years ago this month that I found myself in the thick of Compassion's ministry in Peru. I dream of going back.
Anyway, back to reality and to the website.
What else is there? There is a nifty list of people who do blog about Compassion. You can even get yourself added to this list by submitting your name and blog via email. I had to do this earlier today because I didn't see this little blog on the list.
There are also resources for bloggers. Widgets you can add to your blog.
But don't take my word for it. Check it out yourself!