
Thursday, August 2, 2012

BEST Letter Ever!

Yesterday we received the most wonderful letter from Bulu, our 19 year old "son" in India. We've sponsored Bulu for 10 years and have watched him grow from a little boy to a young man.

Hello Kevin and Jill Foley,
Greetings to you in the precious name of our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. I am very very happy to receive your wonderful letter and Easter greetings. Thank you very much for your love and prayer.
I am very very excited and very happy because I received in my life Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believed in my heart that God has raised him from the dead. It is great success in my life. Thank you very much because only for your prayer and love my life is changed. Thanks to God because He saved me. I am praying for you every day. I took water baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit on April 5, 2012. My family and church and friends are very very happy for my baptism. Please pray for my spiritual life growth. Thank you very much for your prayer and love,
                                                               Your loving child, Bulu

I doubt I have to tell you why this letter is the BEST letter ever like the title of this post suggests.

I probably don't have to tell you that I cried like a baby when I read this letter.

THIS is what it's all about. Releasing children from poverty in Jesus name. Yes, their physical poverty, but most importantly their spiritual poverty.

This is the same boy we've been praying for ~ two years ago we got this message from his social worker...

Please pray for your child Bulu. Now a days he is becoming very very disobedient. He doesn't want to attend regular school or the project. He has so many bad friends. He becomes angry suddenly. Please pray for his good future. May Lord deliver him from all types of devil spirit. Thank you for writing. Please continue to do so.

Our letters and our prayers are so important.  After receiving the above message I wrote much more intentionally - speaking words of encouragement and life into Bulu.

I praise God for the work he has done in Bulu's life!