
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why I Won't Be Sleeping Out Tonight

Yesterday I posted about this month's Global Fast for 58:

In an effort to identify with our brothers and sisters in Uganda who have no homes, fasters are encouraged to sleep outside tonight, with minimal shelter and bedding.

I think this is a GREAT idea, and I know my kids would love it. I'm always looking for ways to teach my children about others around the world and their circumstances.


Here is a picture from my yard last night.

There were 5 of these cute little creatures in my (completely fenced in) back yard last night.

I knew we had a skunk that lived just on the other side of the fence. But yesterday they were in and out of our yard all day long.

As I was watering my garden my youngest daughter said, "Mom, we have a baby skunk in our yard."

Sure enough. Later we saw two. Then three. By evening we saw five of them frolicking in our yard.

It appears we have a family living in the neighborhood and I don't feel like sleeping outside with them. And did you know that even dead these things stink?

So that's my excuse. What's yours?