
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Survive 125

As you may or may not know, I'm a fan of the 58: alliance and movement that's been gaining momentum this year.

58: is an alliance of 10 international ministries that are seeking to end extreme poverty in our lifetime. Compassion is one of those ministries (Yay for Compassion!) and the other nine are pretty awesome in what they do.

Last fall there was a film premiere - phenomenal film - a must see!

This year there is a global tour and each month a new country, issue and ministry are highlighted.

Each month there is a day of fasting and prayer to focus on that month's specific issue. Tomorrow we are fasting and praying for Tanzania ~ specifically for food sustainably issues through ECHO.

But today I want to talk to you about Survive 125.

What is Survive 125? I'm so glad you asked!

It's a game that leads you through a series of tough questions and decision that you have to make to see if you can survive on $1.25 a day.

It only takes a few minutes and you will learn so much. What impressed me most was how the different ministry partners were included and the impact they had in each scenario. Their involvement makes a HUGE difference in the lives of people who are struggling to survive.

Give it a try yourself. Then come back here and let me know what you think.

To know more about the global impact tour and this month's focus issue, watch this short video.