
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter Writing Nights - Guest Post by Yvonne

Yvonne is a wife, mom, homeschool teacher, and Child Advocate with Compassion International. On her blog, she shares about some of the daily happenings in their life.

After my son and I became Child Advocates with Compassion International last fall, I decided that we needed to be the ones to encourage other sponsors to be writing letters to their sponsored children. We knew there were people at our church sponsoring children with Compassion because a friend of ours came and had done a Compassion Sunday presentation about a year and a half ago. At that time, we collected pictures of the sponsored kids and have been putting them on a world map so that our church family can be praying for all of these kids.

For our first Sponsor Letter Writing Night back in September, I was able to share about the new online letter writing tool. We also made Christmas cards for unsponsored children that night.
Our next Sponsor Letter Writing Night was held about a month later and we wrote out the words to our favorite hymns to share with our sponsored children. In December, I found a tutorial for making paper snowflakes out of coffee filters. We made a bunch of these to send to our kids. Then in January, we made Valentine's together. I have been trying to collect ideas on my Compassion Pinterest board ( ) so I am ready each month with a creative idea to make for our kids.

At each of our Sponsor Letter Writing Nights, I encourage everyone to bring letters from their sponsored children so we can share them with each other. I also try to share something I have learned about Compassion and let them know about any upcoming events they can work at with us. We have been hosting these Sponsor Letter Writing Nights once a month on a Friday night which seems to be working well right now. And I try to have a yummy snack or dessert.