
Friday, January 20, 2012

Josseling Dayana Aviles

I am so excited for tomorrow. I feel like a little girl waiting for Christmas morning. It with great joy and anticipation that I wait for news of Kevin's meeting Josseling tomorrow. 

Earlier today I was going through her notebook where I keep all the letters and photos we have received from her over the years. In looking through everything I realized it's been almost 9 years since we first sponsored her. (I also realized she is the third longest child we have sponsored, not second like I said earlier). I also discovered that in several letters she calls herself Dayana Aviles and in others it's Josseling Aviles. It will be interesting to see how she is introduced to Kevin tomorrow. 

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to post the photos of her showing how she has grown up.....

We received this updated photo of her just this month. 

And we received this photo with her most recent letter. We had sent a monetary gift and she is showing us what she was able to purchase with it. 

Your continued prayers for Kevin's trip are appreciated.