
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Exciting News...

I have two exciting things to share with you....

First, Julia Jones, daughter of Compassion blogger Patricia Jones, is blogging from India this week. Julia traveled to India with her father to see the work of Compassion and meet her sponsorerd Compassion child. Please be sure to read about her trip and experiences at her mom's blog....Jonesbones5.

Here are here posts so far, in order

Secondly, my husband is on his way to Nicaragua today. It is a very last minute trip, in which he is going down to make some local connections in hopes of having a place our family can plug into in the future. With less than two weeks notice, Compassion was able to make arrangements for him to meet Josseling, our sponsored girl. 

Just last week we got this updated photo of our girl. We've sponsored Josseling for 8 years. She's very special to us because she's the only one left of the trio of girls we sponsored at about the same time. We lost the other two last year. 

My request to Compassion was that they could bring Josseling to the country office and Kevin could meet her there and spend a few minutes with her. 

Compassion did better than that. They are picking him up Saturday morning and taking him to her Compassion center, then to her house!!!! I am beside myself with excitement. 

Yes, I'm a little jealous as I've been the one writing the letters for the past 8 years. But I'm so excited that Kevin will have this opportunity to see Compassion's ministry with his own eyes. Sponsorship started out as my thing 17 years ago and over the years he has been so supportive. Slowly he's adopted the ministry as his own and I can only imagine how much more he will take ownership once he witnesses the work God is doing through Compassion.

I can't wait to share his stories and photos with you next week. Thank you for your prayers as he travels there and back!