
Thursday, November 24, 2011


It's Thanksgiving here in the United States and I thought I would take a moment to reflect and write about what I'm thankful for when it comes to Compassion.

17 years ago I heard God whisper to me...."Sponsor a child." 

I am so thankful for that whisper. It was the first step of an amazing, life-changing journey. As I set out to change the life of a poor child, I had no idea my own life would be changed. 

I am forever grateful to God for calling me to the ministry of Compassion ~ as a sponsor and as an advocate. God is working through Compassion International. The stories are plentiful and they continue to be written on a daily basis. 

I am so thankful for my Compassion family! It started as one and has grown to many....each and every one of these children (along with the others who are no longer part of our current "family") has impacted me in a big way.





Being part of Compassion feels like being part of a big family, doesn't it? I am thankful for the community I've found. Thank You for being part of my community.

**Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a special Black Friday deal