
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Too Small to Ignore - Chapter 1


I don't know about you, but I just love this glimpse into Wess Stafford's childhood. As the current president and CEO of Compassion International, I find it so remarkable that he grew up in a village with the very people he now serves.

I hang on to my knowledge of poverty and its effect on little children. After all, I was there. I watched as preventable diseases stole my childhood friends in the village, one by one, and it broke my heart. I travel back and forth these days between two worlds. I jokingly tell people that my job is pretty tough. On one side of this international bridge, my role is to minister to the poor, to "comfort the afflicted." And then I cross the bridge, coming back to the Western, more affluent world, where my role is to speak and write to "afflict the comfortable." To do that with the same love can be a challenge. ~from p. 30

As I read chapter 1, I was struck again by how this book is about so much more than Compassion International. This book is such a valuable resource for anyone who will ever come into contact with a child (basically everyone!).

The concept of doing life with our children really resonates with me as a parent. It takes a lot of effort to include them in our every day tasks, but doing so sends them a message of worth and importance now.

Inviting a child to participate actively in the real life of our homes beats and hour of isolated make-believe in the most lavish toy room. Allowing children into the mainstream of our lives lets them learn and understand their worth, not someday, but today. The most precious thing we can give our children as parents is warm, positive memories. More important than making cookies, getting the shopping done, or cleaning the house is what happens along the way. Childhood happens! ~from pgs. 32-33

I pray that as we read this book, our hearts would be changed and we would say as Jesus said...."let the little children come to me" ~ Matthew 19:14

I'll close with the same words Wess closed chapter 1 with....
"They (children) are precious, deserving of our time, attention and serious commitment ~ not someday, but today."

What was significant to you about chapter 1?