
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Organize Your Letters

In this post I hope to give you some ideas for organizing the letters you receive from your sponsored kids. I’m sure my way is not the best, but it works for us and so I’ll be sharing it with you.
First, I keep a “letter writing” binder….
This is where I put the letters I receive until I am able to sit down and respond. I also keep a spread sheet with our sponsored children’s numbers, birthdates and the dates our sponsorship (or correspondence) began. I use this to keep track of when I write, when I send monetary gifts and anything else. Also kept in this binder are extras I want to send in future letters, labels, and copies of letters I have sent.
Although I rarely take this out of the house, I have been known to escape to a coffee shop to spend some time writing letters and it’s so nice to have this all in one place. Just grab and go!
The next step in my letter organization process involves more binders. Currently I have 3, but they are beginning to get pretty full now that I’ve been writing more frequently (because the children are responding more frequently – such a nice problem).
When I have finished responding to a letter, I file it away in the appropriate binder.



I rarely use the stationary Compassion provides, but I do keep at least one copy per child in the front of each binder – just in case.
That’s it – pretty simple! I love pulling one of these out from time to time and reading through the progression of letters from a particular sponsored child. It’s a fun way to see how the relationship has progressed.
Now it’s your turn….how do you organize the letters you receive?