
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Country Expert - Ghana

In honor of JD’s guest post and her upcoming trip to Africa this fall, our country expert post this week takes us to Ghana.

Compassion's work in Ghana began in 2005. Currently, more than 25,000 children participate in more than 100 child development centers.

Sponsor a Child in Ghana from Compassion International on Vimeo.

**Disclaimer: I have previewed many of these books and resources, but not all. Please use your own discretion when sharing these with your family.

Books about Africa:

images-1 mancala is a fun game to play – I recently found a folding, wooden mancala game at Target for less than $5.

Youtube / Vimeo:


Do you sponsor a child in Ghana? If so, please tell us about your special one in the comments.
To view my other country expert posts, go HERE.