
Friday, June 3, 2011

Book Giveaway - A Country Far Away

The final book I'm giving away is for the kids. A Country Far Away by Nigel Gray depicts the differences and similarities between two kids living in different countries. On each page simple statements are made (like "I helped my mom and dad") and the illustrations beautifully depict what those statements mean to each boy.

To enter the giveaway:

  • leave a comment telling us who you would read this to
  • tweet this giveaway
  • blog about the giveaway and link back to this post
  • post this giveaway on your facebook page

Please leave a separate comment for each entry. I will announce a winner Saturday at noon (EST).


  1. I would read this to all 3 of my girls. They all enjoy reading and looking at books but especially enjoy it when I read to them or with them.

  2. I would read it to my kids. Our library doesn't have many books of these kind, so I may donate it to the library after we had read it for a while.

  3. I will read it to my 3 boys! Even if I don't win, I'm so glad you reminded me about this book.....I've been it before and wanted it, but forgot to try and find it somewhere. Thanks!

  4. don't keep a blog. don't FB or Twitter.

    I would read this book to my grandson and like Jennifer ... after keeping it for a while, I'd donate it to my local library.


  5. Laure,

    I don't do facebook or twitter either. I purposely included a way to enter for those of us who aren't into social media.

    Thanks for entering!

  6. I would read this to my grandsons age 7 and 4. I am trying to help them understand that I sponsor two little girls in Togo.

  7. I shared about your book giveaway on FB!

  8. I would read this to my oldest daughter, Kayla. She will be 5 this month, and she loves when we sit and talk about her "best friends" from the Philippines and Guatemala. I've been looking at the used copies on Amazon.
