
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Giveaway – Understanding Compassion


Understanding Compassion: A Biblical Exploration See Through the Eyes of Child Poverty by Renita Boyle and Kate Smith

from the back cover…

This book is for everyone who seeks the compassionate heart of God and cares about the children of our world. Set in the light of the work of the international charity, Compassion, which works to alleviate worldwide child poverty, the material explores the nature of compassion through biblical insight and real-life stories.

The charity Compassion believes that every child has the right to know that he or she has been created and is loved by God. Practical demonstrations of God’s love are vital for the world’s poorest children and, since 1952, Compassion has sought to fight against child poverty and see children develop into all that God intended them to be. Today, through its sponsorship programmes, which offer practical and prayerful support, the charity has helped over one million children in 23 countries around the world.

Compassion flows from the triune heart of God. It is not a personal attribute or talent, but a way of being together-a mutual communal vocation. Each one of us is on a common journey with common goals. If we do not have hearts of compassion then we condone poverty and turn our backs on suffering.
Royalties from the sales of this book go to support the work of Compassion.

‘This book will introduce you to Compassion’s ministry and its biblical foundation.’ From the foreword by Tony Campolo

To enter the giveaway:

  • leave a comment telling us your favorite thing about Compassion
  • tweet this giveaway
  • blog about the giveaway and link back to this post
  • post this giveaway on your facebook page

Please leave a separate comment for each entry. I will announce a winner Wednesday at noon (EST). Be sure to check in Wednesday morning for the next book to be given away.

**Remember to pray for the bloggers in the Philippines today. Pray for the children and staff they interact with ~ that all would be a blessing in each other's lives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I shared this on Facebook.

  3. I love Compassion because we get to share our hearts with children around the world, inspiring, encouraging and digging in to their parts of the globe, all the while keeping them in prayer. Compassion makes it really personal, important, relevant, easy and lasting.

  4. I would love to read this book! I loved Too Small to Ignore.

  5. I would love to read this!!

  6. My favorite part of Compassion is getting to know the kids....I LOVE getting letters from them - they are so sweet!

  7. I have not read this book, the line from your post that says, " If we do not have hearts of compassion then we condone poverty and turn our backs on suffering" stuck out!

    Anyway, one of the many things I love about Compassion is the personal relationship that develops with someone from another part of the world! I feel like this is a good experience for my children too.. we are always talking about children in other countries because of our sponsored children!

  8. going to share on fb.

    also going to tweet about it...

    sounds like a wonderful book...


    ps sent you a long email on my new phone and then clicked and it erased it cause it was the delete button instead of the send! ugh new phones.... :)

  9. Well, other than the relationships I have with my sponsored kids (since that has already been said), one of my other favorite things about Compassion is the staff!

    When I traveled to India with COmpassion I was completely overwhelmed by how loving, committed, and enjoyable they all were- the American guides and the India staff. Every second of the trip was memorable because of them...even the long bus and train rides!

  10. I love that Compassion is so focused on the child and the relationship between sponsor and child. If you think about it it really is amazing that we get to have letters back and forth and all the work that goes into that.
