
Monday, April 25, 2011

World Malaria Day and a Giveaway

I woke up this morning not sure what I would post today. Then, while reading Compasion's blog, I discovered today is World Malaria Day.

Do you know the devastating impact malaria has on those living in extreme poverty?

Do your children know that mosquito bites can be deadly, not just annoying, depending on where you live?

Does your family know that this disease is preventable?

I urge you to read more about what Compassion is doing to fight this terrible disease by visiting their blog and their Bite Back website.

Educate yourself. Educate your family. As you prepare for bug season this summer, consider buying more than repellant for your family. Consider buying some mosquito nets for Compassion children and families.

If you lived in a malaria stricken area, you would want this protection for your children. Let's do this for them. Through Compassion, mosquito nets are $10 each.

  • Put your church to work on this. Talk to the youth group and have them raise funds for mosquito nets.
  • Plan a 5K race to raise funds and awareness
  • Enlist your sunday school class, Bible study group, homeschool co-cop to raise funds
  • Instead of giving your family members and friends birthday gifts this year, buy and donate mosquito nets in their honor
  • Use your own creativity to create and sell something, giving the proceeds to Compassion for mosquito nets
The ideas are endless. Think of something and do it.

Now for the giveaway. Grand prize is a Bite Back t-shirt from Compassion (red or black). Second prize is a Bite Back bracelet and sticker (shown above).

To enter:
  • Mention this post on facebook
  • Tweet about this post
  • Mention and link back to this post on your blog
  • Come up with your own way to spread the word
  • Buy a net through Compassion
  • Tell us how you educated yourself and your family
You may enter multiple times by doing several of these ideas. For each, please leave a separate comment as your entry.

The drawing will be held Thursday, April 28th at noon EST.


  1. Thanks for doing this Jill, very cool idea. I hope you had a great Easter/Holy Week!

  2. Tweeted this.!/ChrisPayne78

  3. Added a link to my blog.

  4. I really like your blog. We've purchased mosquito nets through Compassion in the past. It's been a good way to teach our kids about how we can help prevent malaria.


  5. Hi Jill-
    Great blog. I statused a link to your blog on FB. (I do not have a blog) Have a great day!!


  6. Oh and trying to kind of educate our son on what this means andcome up with ideas on how we can help. He says "mom you can use my money :O)" He is devoloping a very sweet spirit. He is 5 so the majority of deaths being his age and under kinda pierces my heart!

  7. I am hoping to put together a 'net drive' this spring when the mosquitoes come out. Most of us have had those nights when you can hear the buzz while trying to sleep... I can only imagine what it would be like if that sound could mean death to my children!

  8. Also Compassion has a fun swat the mosquito game in their explorer game when you visit Kenya. My kids enjoyed it and we had a good discussion afterwards about the issue!
