
Monday, March 7, 2011

Write to Your Sponsored Child

I'd like to think that writing letters to your sponsored child is a no brainer....but the reality is that for many, sponsorship goes no farther than writing a check. And now with the convenience of automatic payments, many sponsors go months or even years without giving their child a second thought.

Let's STOP this nonsense.

Here are some facts....sponsorship is NOT about money. Yes, Compassion needs your monthly, financial support to implement their program, but all children waiting for sponsors are already participating in Compassion projects. When a child is sponsored it means they have a new friend; someone to love them, pray for them and encourage them through letters.

When I was in Peru this past summer, we asked some children what we could tell their sponsor if we knew them. One girl said, "I want to ask my sponsor why he doesn't love me." Upon further questioning, we discovered that her sponsor doesn't write letters to her. In her mind, this translates to him not loving her.

Most Compassion projects will have their children write reciprocal letters. This means that when you sponsored child receives a letter from you, they will respond. This is not the case for all projects, but your regular letters are still just as important.

I aim to write once a month, others aim for twice a month. Pick what works for you and do your best to stick to it. There is a group, a letter writing club, that writes on the second Friday of each month.

Michelle, at Blogging From the Boonies, writes regular posts encouraging us to write to our kids. She has written some great devotions we can share and has so many ideas of how we can spruce up our letters. Please visit her blog and spend some time reading.

I'll leave you with a picture of our recent batch of letters. Easter is soon approaching so I copied an Easter themed picture on the back of our written letters and decorated them with fun stickers.


  1. I recognize that paper!! Just came over from Blogging From the Boonies. Like your blog.

  2. You are so right. I can't tell you how many children I've met in projects have asked me to go find their sponsor and ask them to send a letter! It's so sad, too, that the sponsor is not interested in getting to know them better, as their lives will bless them so much.

  3. love the festive letters that you send! Gotta hit the dollar tree and find some cute themed stickers :)

  4. Hey Jill glad to see this blog. I have checked it out but didn't take time to comment yet. But I think I have that paper too! Love the dollar tree store!

  5. Thanks for the shout out!! Gotta love the Dollar Store paper!!

  6. I am so very thankful for you and Michelle. I just received a letter today from our correspondent child. It took six weeks to arrive. So you are so right I need to send out letters w/ Easter stuff. :) It still seems weird to me for her to thank me for the Christmas money...

    As I was reading your post ... Mandi is writing to her sponsored child. It is harder for her to know what to say...

    I try to write once a month too...

    Much love,

  7. Hi Jill, I linked here through Michelle's blog and can't wait to look around. It took me many months to find an organization for sponsorship that was the right match for me. So many of them don't have the resources to have the kids write letters--more like you just send in your money and that's it. I felt drawn to Compassion b/c they not only allow for letter exchanges, but encourage it! I really wanted the ability to do more than just donate. I wanted to build a relationship with the child, as Jesus has done with me. I'm really excited about getting to know my child. I hope she writes back. :)


  8. Barb - I'm so glad you found Compassion! I've been a sponsor for 16 years and this ministry has blessed my life so much! Keep writing faithfully and ask lots of questions - hopefully you will start recieving lots of letters!
