
Monday, March 28, 2011

Hope Lives

Hope Lives: A Journey of Restoration by Amber Van Schooneveld is a 5 week study of poverty. on the back of the book it says:

This five-week journey of introspection and prayer will help you....
  • discover what keeps you from engaging in global issues
  • explore what Scripture really says about the poor
  • understand the true nature of poverty
  • draw close to the poor through prayer
  • respond to God's voice as he speaks to you about poverty

The book is divided into five weeks, with five daily readings each week. This book would be wonderful to do alone, as a couple or as a family.

There is also a Children's Ministry Kit available. (I was so excited to find this on sale for only $7! Even if you pay full price, it's worth every penny.)

from the back of the book....

Hope Lives is more than a study series. It's an age appropriate way to empower your children to impact their bring hope to those who feel hopeless.

Children dive into five adventures straight from the Bible, and then apply what they discover through prayer....service....commitment...and relationships. You'll indroduce your children to:

  • Week 1: A Rich Young Man
  • Week 2: A Good Samaritan
  • Week 3: Esther
  • Week 4: Believers Who Pray for Peter
  • Week 5: Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ
Your children already have tender, caring hearts. Give them hearts of compassion - and change their lives forever.

The kit includes the leader's guide (with scripted lessons and questions), a prayer ball, a worship CD and files to print out prayer cards. The prayer cards feature Compassion children in many of the different countries where Compassion works.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for my book!

    wow the kit looks good... going to check it out!

