
Friday, March 25, 2011

Country Expert - Dominican Republic

This week we are headed to the Dominican of two countries located on the island Hispaniola.

Compassion's work in the Dominican Republic began in 1970. More than 43,400 children participate in more than 170 child development centers.

**Disclaimer: I have previewed many of these resources, but not all. Please use your own discretion when reading these books or using these resources within your family.


These images come from the book The Best Gift of All: The Legend of La Vieja Belen by Julia Alvarez. I just finished reading this with my girls and really enjoyed the story. Not only is it presented in both English and Spanish, but the sentences rhyme in both languages! Julia Alvarez is an author (you'll see I listed several of her books above) who was raised in the Dominican Republic and now lives in Vermont. At the end of her books (A Gift of Gracias, The Secret Footprints and The Best Gift of All) she explains how these legends and stories play into the Dominican culture.


On You Tube:

Printable Maps and Flags:

What other ideas or resources can you add to this list?

Do you sponsor a child in the DR? If so, please share about your precious one in the comments.

To view my other country expert posts, go HERE.


  1. Could you do Bolivia or Ecuador next?

  2. I'm working on Ecuador for next week!

  3. We coorespondance sponser Dadly from DR. He's a new addition, so I have yet to get a letter from him. Am looking forward to it though! Thanks for all work you put into this blog - I really enjoy reading it and have already bought several of the books you've suggested! : )

  4. Fabulous! I have 2 CI girls from Dominican Republic, so I covet this information!

    Thank You!!

  5. I'm in Woodland, about 30min from Portland. Love it that we are so close!

    *Love* your blog! :-)

  6. Our family sponsors Hondy and Yoselin.

    Hondy was a correspondent child for several years, and we were recently given the opportunity to become his official sponsors. He turned 13 this past weekend.

    Yoselin is my oldest daughter's "birthday buddy". She, like my daughter, is 6.

  7. I have a correspondent sponsored child in the DR. Anderson is an older child. He is 17 years old.
